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Jean Hong Ting (b.2001) is a graduate of Diploma of Fine Arts, at LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore. Jean was the recipient of the LASALLE Scholarship 2021 and she was awarded the Highly Commended Award for UOB 40th Painting of the Year, 2021. Jean is currently a tattoo apprentice.


Jean started creating miniatures in polymer clay since young and subsequently experimented and explored other mediums such as drawing and painting in acrylics and watercolour. Jean is currently experimenting with crochet and textiles to expand her means of expression beyond traditional art mediums such as charcoal and watercolour. Fabric as a textile medium represents closeness to the skin in our everyday life that provides protection, warmth and comfort. The use of crocheting emphasises the labour and time required to create such feelings of comfort and fulfilment from scratch. 


Jean enjoys working spontaneously encourages her to be more creative and experiment more, looking at the possibilities that could be created in the process of making her artworks.

Artist Statement 

Organic shapes in my artworks represent abstract thoughts that constantly flow in and out. It also allows me to be more self-aware and conscious of my surroundings and environment. These organic shapes are often inspired through the movement, form and textures of nature, such as the flow of water in the open drains and clouds. 


Working in mixed media allows me to be more expressive as it allows my creativity to flow more smoothly. I usually start off with a light sketch to have a brief idea of the ideal outcome and just start working towards the final. The final outcome would be an evolved version of the sketch as ideas appear spontaneously in the process.


Currently, I am experimenting with textile and crochet as an approach to further explore and expand my art practice beyond the use of traditional mediums. By exploring such materials, it challenges me to think about how I can work to create something unique and impactful from scratch, and give a narrative value to my artwork. The labour-intensive and time-consuming process of crochet allows a deeper appreciation towards the artwork and a sense of fulfilment, comfort and warmth upon viewing the final outcome. In a way, reflecting the essence of the textile and crochet medium. 


The process of crochet brings in a therapeutic, meditative, trance-like headspace for me as it involves the repetitive process of stitching patterns with a hooked needle. It is something that helps to bring calmness and quietness to the mind.

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